Italian passport
Italian passport

When it comes to living and working in Italy, there are two main options for foreigners: getting an Italian passport, or applying for permanent residency.

There are two major ways for foreigners to live and work in Italy: either they may apply for permanent residency in Italy or they can become citizens of Italy and get an Italian passport. The decision between the two methods depends on a number of variables, including your specific position, ambitions, and preferences. Both options have benefits and drawbacks. We will weigh the benefits and drawbacks of obtaining an Italian passport vs establishing permanent residency in Italy in this blog article to assist you in making an informed choice.

Italian Citizenship and Passport

It is possible to become an Italian citizen by birth, marriage, or naturalization. You are immediately an Italian citizen if you have at least one Italian parent when you were born. After two years of lawful residency in Italy, you may seek for citizenship if you marry an Italian citizen. After 10 years of lawful residency in Italy, if you are not qualified for citizenship by birth or marriage, you can still apply for naturalization.


The main advantage of Italian citizenship is that it grants you the same rights and privileges as Italian nationals. This includes the right to vote in national and local elections, the ability to work and live anywhere in the European Union (EU), and access to social services and benefits. Additionally, having an Italian passport allows you to travel visa-free to 188 countries, including the United States, Canada, and most of South America and Asia.

The fact that an Italian passport is regarded as one of the strongest in the world in terms of visa-free travel is another advantage. The Italian passport ranks fourth globally in the 2021 Henley Passport Index and provides visa-free travel to 191 locations.


However, obtaining an Italian passport and citizenship necessitates a substantial time, effort, and financial commitment. The application procedure, which can take up to two years, include passing a language and cultural test as well as demonstrating your integration into Italian society and financial stability. Fees are further due for the application, legal counsel, and translations.

Permanent Residency in Italy

You can apply for permanent residency in Italy if you don’t meet the requirements for Italian citizenship or don’t want to go through the naturalization procedure. The legal right to live and work in Italy without a visa or residency permit is known as permanent residency. Both EU and non-EU people who fulfill specific criteria, such as having a steady salary, health insurance, and housing documentation, are eligible to receive it.


The biggest benefit of obtaining permanent residency in Italy is the degree of flexibility and freedom it grants. It is legal to work, reside, and use social services and benefits in Italy without any temporal constraints. In addition, you are permitted 90 days of visa-free travel inside the Schengen region in any 180-day period. You can travel to other European nations as a result without getting additional visas or permits.

Another benefit of permanent residency is that it is easier and faster to obtain than Italian citizenship. The application process usually takes a few months and involves submitting the required documents and paying a fee. Additionally, you do you need to give up your original citizenship.


There are certain restrictions on obtaining permanent residency in Italy. You may not be entitled for various social benefits that are only available to Italian citizens, for instance, and you cannot vote in national or local elections. Furthermore, if you fail to fulfill the criteria for renewal, such as maintaining a steady source of income and obtaining health insurance, your residency may be cancelled.

Which is Better: Italian Passport or Permanent Residency in Italy?

The choice between obtaining an Italian passport and citizenship or settling permanently in Italy depends on a number of variables, including your circumstances, priorities, and preferences. Here are some things to think about before choosing:

  • Time, effort, and financial expenditure are all necessary for obtaining an Italian passport and citizenship, as was previously stated. Having an Italian passport can give you greater rights and benefits if you’re prepared to go through the naturalization process and have the financial means to pay the fees and retain a lawyer. Permanent residency in Italy, on the other hand, can be a preferable choice for you if you’d rather have a quicker and easier process.
  • Mobility and travel: If you intend to travel regularly, an Italian passport may give you better access to nations without a visa, such as the United States, Canada, and the majority of South America and Asia. Permanent residency can provide you with the same freedom of movement and travel, but, if your only travel plans are within the Schengen Region.
  • Voting and political participation: Having Italian citizenship and a passport is a must if you value your ability to cast a ballot in national and local elections. This might not matter to you, though, if you have little interest in politics or don’t intend to stay in Italy for a long time.
  • Social benefits and services: Having Italian citizenship and a passport may be more advantageous if you require access to social benefits and services, such as healthcare, education, and unemployment benefits. However, permanent residence can also give you access to fundamental social services if you can have private health insurance and have a steady source of income.
  • Integration and cultural identification: If you place a high importance on your cultural identity and have a strong affinity for Italy, having an Italian passport and citizenship may help you feel more at home and more integrated into Italian society. However, permanent residency might still provide you with a happy life in Italy if you wish to preserve your original citizenship and identity.

In conclusion, the decision between obtaining an Italian passport and establishing permanent residence in Italy cannot be made in a generalized manner. Your particular situation, objectives, and interests will determine this. Having an Italian passport might give you extra benefits if you are prepared to invest in the naturalization procedure and cherish your rights and privileges as an Italian citizen. Permanent residency in Italy can be a preferable choice, nevertheless, if you prefer a quicker and easier procedure and only require minimal social services and mobility. In the end, the decision is yours.

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