
It is no secret that most of these refugees go through torture and unimaginable hell in detention camps in Libya and crossing the mediterranean sea to arrive Italy.

Accepting refugees and asylum seekers into the EU or any Western country for that matter has been a long debate. With cost of welfare and other social, cultural and environmental issues cited as a problem for some of these countries affected by the influx of refugees, one very fundamental and important thing to deal with as been neglected over time.

What could this be? The psychological and physical health of refugees! It is no secret that most of these refugees go through torture and unimaginable hell in detention camps in Libya and crossing the mediterranean sea to arrive Italy. Many who survive the journey alive are left with psychological injuries to go through life with, therefore been a danger to themselves and to the society at large.

Torture is not a disease. Those that have suffered it must have the possibility to regain their own identity. We help these people to treat their physical and psychological injuries and regain hope in the future and trust in others

This is why it is so important that these refugees and asylum seekers are treated of this psychological injuries and given hope for a brighter future.

To cover this gap, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and the provincial healthcare authority (ASP) in the Sicilian city of Palermo have opened a clinic specializing in the rehabilitation of migrants and refugees that have suffered torture and/or acts of violence.

The services offered free of charge with the support of cultural mediators, range from psychotherapy to general and forensic medicine, from physical therapy to social and legal assistance.

Men, women, and children, including unaccompanied minors, that have suffered torture or inhumane and degrading treatment in their home countries or in their nations of destination and who are suffering repercussions on their psychological and physical health will be attended to.

“Torture, experienced by many in Libyan detention centers, leaves indelible signs. Lacking specialist assistance, the results of traumas and violence may severely affect these people’s health,” MSF psychotherapist Ester Russo, who works at the Palermo center, said.

“Torture is not a disease. Those that have suffered it must have the possibility to regain their own identity. We help these people to treat their physical and psychological injuries and regain hope in the future and trust in others.”

Palermo local health authority director Daniela Faraoni stressed that the ASP attempts to help all those suffering, noting: “the victims of intentional violence and torture will be accompanied on a path for reception, support, and treatment to enable them to take back their lives and move forward with a new spirit towards the future.”

If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker living in Italy and would like to visit the Clinic, you can contact the clinic by email:, or by their telephone numbers: 0917035497 or 3458025855.

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